Our Morris Apron was designed by Josh Morris (hence its name) and Elena Bibbo, with you farriers in mind. They wanted it to be light weight, not cover what didn’t need to be covered, yet protect the areas that did. The Morris apron protects all delicate areas high and low, wrapping around the inside of your leg to protect the inside thigh area to below the knee and calf area and back. Being 6′ plus tall, Josh wanted an apron that would protect any farrier, guys or gals, any size from crotch to calf should a horse pull a foot away as you are nailing it’s shoe on. This apron does that extremely well and better than most!
Guys , how many of you have caught a nail in your pants or leg in the past and have the scars to prove it? Every farrier that has tried it on, has ordered one and it is fast becoming a hot item in Arizona.
It’s color is Black, its length is 29” and it was designed with double knife pockets on each leg . However, I will honor any color request as long as it is available.
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